Preparation of seawater:
To prepare your sea water, vital for your jellyfish, you have several solutions:
– Natural sea water (filtered and sterilized) Jellyfish concept
– Osmosed water + salt Jellyfish Salt (35 g / L).
We recommend you prepare your sea water the day before so that the salt is completely dissolved.
Required water quality:
Temperature: between 15 and 25 ° C (depending on species)
pH: 7.5 to 8.2
Salinity: between 30 and 35 g / L
Density: between 1020 and 1025
Nitrate: NO3 <10 mg / L
Nitrites: NO2 <0.10 mg / L
Ammonium: NH4 <0.20 mg / L
Regular changes of water:
Water changes depend on the aquarium you want to buy:
Orbit 20: we must do a water change 1 times per week between 20% and 30% of volume.
Pulse 80 / cylinder jellyfish 80: with its integrated filter system, it is recommended to change 1 times per month between 20% and 30% of volume.
When you make the water change, do not pour water suddenly into the aquarium. Bubbles could fit under the umbrella jellyfish and hurt them. If this is the case, turn the jellyfish to remove bubbles.
Cleaning of aquariums:
To maintain correct seawater quality, we recommend cleaning the bottom of the aquarium to remove the remains of food (1-2 times per week). To do this, remove the jellyfish and put them in a container with water from the aquarium. They can easily stay 1-2 hours without mixing, time for you to clean. You can suck the waste using a siphon.
When water change, take the opportunity to remove and rinse with sea water (especially not tap water) all filter media (foams, zeolite or ceramic, …).
Food :
Jellyfish feed on zooplankton.
These are small crustaceans that live suspended in the water. Jellyfish capture their prey with their stinging tentacles.
Aquarium, jellyfish should be fed three to four times a week. However, they can fast for up to one week. After a fasting period, it is necessary to feed a little (every day for 1 week).
To feed your jellyfish, choose a priority the living plankton (freshly hatched Artemia nauplii, rotifers and copepods).
We advise live food for two reasons:
– It is rich in vitamins and other essential fatty acids necessary for the growth of jellyfish.
– The living plankton swimming in the aquarium and is easier to capture for jellyfish.
We sell a single culture nauplii Artemia system here.
However you can also feed them occasionally (1 of 4 meals) with nauplii of brine shrimp paste (not live).
Acclimatization jellyfish:
Before placing them in your aquarium jellyfish, you must ensure that the quality of your seawater ESR correct.
Test your water using available kits Accessories. Make sure that no bubbles can be housed under the umbrella of jellyfish.
Upon receipt of your animals, open bag contain your jellyfish. Pour the water and jellyfish gently into a container avoiding blowing bubbles. Take 250 ml of aquarium water and pour it gently into the container. Repeat 4 times ¼ hour intervals. You can now transfer your jellyfish in the aquarium using a pitcher or glass. Make sure that the jellyfish were not bubbles housed under the umbrella.
Jellyfish usually fall to the bottom of the aquarium, this is normal. They will get back to swim as soon as they are acclimated to the new aquarium water.
Set the flow rate of the water pump by turning the knob so that the jellyfish gently rotate without sticking to the perforated partition with the filtration compartment.
Some recommendations:
Jellyfish are wild animals (even if some of our species come from our breeding), under the legislation in force, you must observe the following guidelines:
– Do not return them to the wild.
– Respect the maintenance conditions in accordance with biological requirements of the species.
– Handle the animals with latex gloves for your safety.
In case of problem :
Contact us by phone or email, we will answer to your questions.